I help you build a business in alignment with your life.

Ready to redefine what “success” looks & feels like?

I See You, Sister

You’ve been working towards a “successful” business for years. Busting your butt to prove to yourself, your family and friends, that your work in the world matters. You dream of having the kind of business that allows you to really be in your passion and your mama era. A business that allows for more freedom, fulfillment, time and money, so that you and your family can truly experience life… 

Only to find yourself in a constant cycle of overwhelm, frustration, and dare you admit, burnout.

It’s OK, I’m here to help…

Hey, I’m Lauryn and I’m obsessed with helping conscious leaders redefine what “success” looks and feels like.

I’m also a wife, mama of four, entrepreneur, retreat leader and somatic business coach. I’m currently the owner of three multiple six-figure businesses ranging from product-based to service-based, as well as a physical product (an affirmation healing card deck) that has been purchased by women around the world.

I’ve led hundreds of women into a deeper exploration of themselves and the impact they’re capable of having through living a more intentional life + building a business using a somatic approach.

3 Ways We Can Work Together

Free Challenge

Our free, 5 Day Presence Challenge is a beautiful way to start living more intentionally.


Masterclasses & Workshops are the perfect place to begin creating a business with a mind-body-spirit approach.


1:1 support directly with Lauryn to help you grow and scale your business using a somatic approach.

Featured On

Learn From Lauryn

Learn From Lauryn •

This Masterclass Library is the perfect place to begin creating a business with a mind-body-spirit approach.

Each of these courses once ran LIVE for hundreds of women, and you can now access them in your own timing and complete them at your own pace. Inside each of these programs you will tap into the necessary somatic work to surrender and release any blocks that are holding you back. You will also gain the strategies and tools to help you start creating a thriving business — and life!



Soul Shares, Sunday Email
Head into your week in the right heart-space

This is the place where I share my heart and soul every single week. Join our community and you’ll receive heartwarming messages, honest & always worthwhile tools, encouragement, and practical advice to help you build a business that supports your living. You’ll also receive priority access to new programs, upcoming workshops, retreats & more!

love notes

Additional ways our worlds can collide…

Retreat with me

Local community and retreats in the US and around the world.

Grab your deck

A healing affirmation card deck to help you find peace, self-love and light.

I look forward to supporting you, sister.